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Weekly Update: Week 5

We're at the end of October with a good amount of success! And thankfully able to reflect on all my failures with no regrets.


Weekly Update: Week 3

Lately, things have seemed to pile up on my plate, or more literally, my Trello board. Sometimes it feels like I'm slacking on everything and none of my projects will ever get done.


First Web Dev Interview

I knew it had been a stretch to apply for a full-stack web developer position. However, even if it didn't lead to a job offer, I knew it was worth a shot. At the very least, I got to learn what a web developer interview is like.


Launch Home # 3

After much deliberation, I finally settled on a new Homepage! Somehow I ended up even more minimalistic than ever before. But now there's interactions! Ah, so fancy, much new, great joy. And a new highlight to freelancing!


Constant Marketing

Blogging is often a dramatic mixture of emotions for me, a love-hate type thing that revolves around me forcing myself into doing it and reminding myself I love it.

Driving into work the other day, I listened to a podcast that made me feel simultaneously excited about blogging and guilty about blogging. The simple thought of doing it and yet the realization it's been about 2 months.

The podcast hadn't said anything novel, just twisted it in a new light. Writers should be doing constant marketing. Not the cheesy kind of "Buy now or lose out!" but delivering yourself again and again. For example, if you blog and post 20 times about writing a book, by the time it comes out, people will be expecting it...and hopefully buy it.

Doesn't sound hard. The problems are:

  1. I haven't blogged in 2 months, or consistently in ... forever
  2. I don't know what to set up

These past few months have been a whirlwind of activity and I feel like I'm in a very fast paced moment of my life. Not only did I start a new job in December, but my partner bought 3 businesses, giving my freelancing gig a major client.

A good example of how this has changed things. My weekend:


  • Work til 5pm
  • Photography session to capture promotional items for swim school (though low lighting lead to limited success)
  • Marketing and SEO conversation with shop technician for recently released SCUBA equipment repair facility site
Small child removed for legal reasons


  • Attempting to work the desk at the SCUBA shop
  • Taking additional pictures to market swim school (with better results)
  • Taking two sets of pictures to market SCUBA training and SCUBA equipment
  • Discussing business card design
  • Setting up a LinkedIn account for the repair center and discussing LinkedIn strategy
  • Finally working on Mock up for a different client
Adults not removed


  • Photo editing
  • Mock up editing

So, what do I market? Currently I'm focusing a lot on site development, with 2 sites already building up in the queue. However, some day if I do ever get back to my book, I want people to actually buy it.  Basically, I need to do it all... all the time.

A good start could be to blog more.