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Weekly Update: Week 9

While I didn't create any writing pieces I did create a new theme for a website. It's a large undertaking and one I can't walk away from.


Invisible progress and learning

While I haven't finished the new homepage, I have been making progress with web development courses. I love the opportunity the internet can give for those us of with the desire to learn!


Web Dev Blog #1

This all started with my desire to change the design of my site...again. And my schedule changing. Now I feel like I'm allowed to totally redesign my site. All. The. Time. After all, it's all in good educational fun.


Weekly Update: Week 22

It’s been a busy few weeks. Though none of it has involved writing, it hasn’t been totally void of creativity. From mocking up a new website to designing a whole house, things are moving along.


Launch Home # 3

While this didn't turn out 100% like I had planned, and while I still have other edits I want to do, this is far better than the last one I had. 

Homepage #2 to Homepage #3

Somehow I ended back up on the minimalist approach. Which is fine, it gets my point across. I had wanted to learn how to do the scrolling effect with JavaScript or some type of actual coding. Though, after one quick search, I found a Webflow tutorial and my mind was made up.

The opening of the blogging section is a little jarring to me for some reason. But overall, it works.

I've also gone back and edited some other parts. For example, I took down my FanFiction stories I had posted on here and just linked to the fanfiction site. As I move into more original pieces, I want to focus on that here. Though, to be honest with the new Titans show coming out, might want to snag that buzz while I can and post new things there too...

While I'm making these edits though, I notice weird little things I did when I was new.  For example, I have several classes just named "Div Block 12" or some other auto-generated name from Webflow. At the time I was just poking around and not really paying attention to a big picture. Just more, can I work with this. Now that it's been a year, I think I can. I just need to go back and fix some things. 

I also wasn't in the mindset of adding a 2nd class to a 2nd item that is super similar to one that already exists. Instead, I essentially duplicated 90% of the attributes into a new class and changed the 10% I wanted to.  Eventually I'll fix these, but I also have the problem of actually reusing classes and finding out I had done some pretty weird things. Then going back and fixing the situation so the class can be used multiple times. Ah live an learn.

Why does this have a negative 10 margin?
Ah, for some reason I didn't want to change the header margin to a lower number. Brilliant Christina.

The other big change is the highlight of freelancing. While I search for the next great job, I figured I could get some money from Freelancing. I'm still learning JavaScript but I've already worked on several sites, have been practicing writing for a while now, and even have a dash of photography experience.


Some how get a rainbow in here.  Current idea is to have each of the 3 main things on the homepage add a gradient (transparent -> color) to the background. So if all 3 are open there's a rainbow in the background. Shouldn't be too hard... right?