Intranet (Internal System)



Content Management System:
Languages Used:
BuddyPress, Advanced Custom Fields, Members, My Private Site

This site is a more basic WordPress blog site. However, due to the nature of the site, we did make a few changes we wouldn’t have done on a public site. To view this site, you must log in, and once logged in, everyone is at least an editor or administrator. Therefore, we did not need to hide the black admin WordPress bar, set up a front-end login system, or create a captivating front page. Instead, we focused on the ability for communication.

Each user, or employee, blogs each day with a summary of the day, including useful links and file locations. Therefore, the site had to be easily sorted. On the dashboard, we added plugins to allow for posts to be easily filtered by month, user, or keyword. Then on the homepage, which is the blog home, we have the most recent blog summaries, a list of recent comments, blog categories, blog tags, and author filters. This way previous blogs can easily be found.

To keep things in a static location, we also have pages nested by topic, such as “Staff” pages for general employee information. Or “Products” which contain our list of previously created products and any correlating instructions, such as how to report training completions to agencies. We’ve also used Advanced Custom Fields to create our own content types which are essentially pre-formatted pages. We’ve chosen project overview items, gave our employees fields to edit on the dashboard, and chose how those fields displaed on the front end. These fields include useful project information employees would need at a glance, including whose working on the project, links to task lists, links to reports done, and blog categories or topics that would relate to this project. As well as, flexible child pages which can either be other types of templates, like Game Design Documents, or blank pages for other information that needs to be grouped with the project. The project pages and child pages can be found in static locations so as the blogs get built upon as the days go by, the necessary information can easily be found.